
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I was thinking...

...last year when I experienced the carburetor float issue it took me a few weeks to locate and have delivered a used float. Rojo was out of commission for this time. In my mind it was peak operating time for her (e.g. Early Spring driving weather, Kid's baseball games, trips to Dairy Queen). In order to avoid future downtime I decided to look for a replacement carburetor in the event something similar happened again. A simple search on ebay motors helped me locate a seemingly perfect replacement carb for the same price I paid for the float one year prior - $40!

A Carter Ball & Ball E7T2

Monday, June 13, 2011

Could It Be The Carburetor Again?

While driving my truck for the first time this season, I experienced something eerily familiar when she stalled on me one Friday afternoon on my way to pick up my 2 sons from school. Almost exactly 1 year prior, the engine would on occasion get flooded by what I later determined to be a faulty carburetor float. But how could this be happening again, the carb was rebuilt with a new kit and carb float? I had my trusty Ecuadorian mechanic, Byron, make a house call to help diagnose the problem.

Removing the top of the carb revealed that some particulate was still finding it's way from the gas tank. Last year we talked about installing an inline, transparent gas filter near the gas tank and now was the time to do it.

Update: It looks like the inline gas filter has solved the problem. Rojo has been running like a watch the last several weeks. It will be interesting to monitor how long it takes the filter to become visibly dirty. All it takes is a quick peek under the driver's side of the undercarriage.